Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January 10
This year I decided I didn't want neither gifts nor cake for my birthday, and I asked my friends not to celebrate it.
I wasn't in a mood to receive congratulations when everything is crushing down around me.. I don't want to add a new candle while Lebanon is bleeding.
I don't want to smile when mothers are crying at the horrible death of their children.
I don't want to think about Life as a new beginning, or anything like that.. I just want to consider January 10 as a normal day of my life..
I'm not in the mood to hear anyone tell me "Happy Birthday khawta"

The only gift that I need to have is "peace of mind", and "Peace for Lebanon"
I don't want a new year similar to the previous one.. I just didn't want to celebrate my birthday..

But my Dear Old Friend Lilo didn't want to let it go (even if I said mamnou3 Cadeau) she sent me in the morning a Rose with 2 pieces of cake (cheese cake and 3 chocolats),
When I saw the cleaning man carrying the flower and the cake, I thought he was going to ask me about someone else... but he said It's For You..
I felt I wanted to cry.. even if I asked her not to do anything on my birthday she insisted to say "I'm Glad you were born.. I'm Glad you're my Friend"..
Thx Lilo you make my day… even if I'm not in the mood.. and even if I'm broke and I don't want to buy Me a cake :)
Thx for thinking of me this way.. May you have Love and Happiness my dear friend..


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my CRAZY friend!(k)
Ma eltilna addeh saro?? ;-)

Asslan LILO bit3a22id, you should see the messages she sends me... I miss our sobhiyyet sawa :(

Eve said...

happy birthday, wish u all the peace of mind you need!
weird how many people i know are celebrating their birthdays this week.

Anonymous said...

"Happy Birthday khawta"!! :) :)
I immediatly copy-pasted it from your text saying I don't wan't it!

lebanon is not really bleeding khawwta, things are very usual...
get out of their film, and sing...

now what can I offer u?
ajaltoun is a big place u know...

Anonymous said...

happy birthday!!!! Hope this year wil be an amazing one for u!

Anonymous said...

You can't know that it's someone's bday and not wish him a happy bday even asked not
just like volt did, I'll copy paste ur text "Happy Birthday khawta".
3a2bel l miyye w wala yhemik...lebanon is gonna rise's only a matter of time :D

Anonymous said...

7elow hal tarikh 10/01/07 ;)
ma blomik la2an ana ken 3endi nafes el shou3our li ente 7asse fi hala2 b3id miledek..
bass ma3 kel hayda elteili "happy birthday ya binit".
fa bisharfek wlo!! kif ma badek yeni 2elek yn3ad 3alyki w 3a2bel el 100 sene>>?? sa3ebbe wloo!!

bokra btefrja3, iza lyoum 7azine,, ma3lesh mar2iha,, ma lawla el 7ezen ma fe fara7... inshala ariban bisir el mood rawa2 aktar..

fa happy birthday ya binit..!! ebtassem ANTA LOUBNANI ;)

Khawwta said...

Del: thx a lot.. don't worry we'll have our sobhiyi on saturday bass after 12 :)

Eve: thx a lot.. it was nice meeting you

Volt: thx..I like to sing ktir, ma3 inno sawti mich waaw..
chou biha ajaltoun? are u from there?

rampurple: thx a lot and welcome to my blog

krys: ma3ik ha2 bass ma kinit bi mood taffi cham3a w 2oss Gateau.. bass asshabi bil cheghel ma ba3rif kiff 3irfo bo 3idi wjabouli Gateau

Nado: eh l Date ma bou chi.. w 2al l séné sénét L capricorn bass ma hay2ita hek.. yimkin assdoun sinto bil dafi3 wel mssayib..

For All of You thx.. bit3a2do
yesterday kan maw3ad siyarti lal Maintenance w ma kano fiyoun bil chirki ya3mlo gheir nhar so as u all know I decided I didn't want gifts.. chou sar?? Dafa3it 205$:( so Happy Birthday my Dear Car

Anonymous said...

fadekeh hal 205 ya khawta...

la2 ana mich seken bi-aajaltoun, bass deghreh bil wejj (w'ma3i telescope ktir kbir..)

nobilis tobilis said...

I'm afraid to say "HappyBirthDay" after this but I wish you and our country the best. Btw, I hate birthdays, I mean what have we done during the year to be congratulated? Is it the fact that we stayed alive? Or at least the fact that we kept our sanity, which is difficult in these conditions we are living in.

Anonymous said...

Khawwta, nshalla tkoun haydeh ekhir seneh ma bet3ayyde w ekhir marra Lebnen ykoun ma2hour w m3azzab w majrou7. Hug you tight!

Khawwta said...

Iza la ana wala inta min Ajaltoun why did you mention it? Fi chi mich mazbout.. very weird

nobilis tobilis:
"what have we done during the year to be congratulated?"
you know what's my Greatest achievement? No not the study neither the job.. it's Surviving in Lebanon bhal wadi3 while all my friends are running away.. Bitmanna yiji nhar yhannouna fi l3alam 3a “khalass Libnan”.. Sa3ita bass I will celebrate my birthday

nchalla barki killna mnihtifil bi libnan

Anonymous said...

oh! misunderstanding khawwta, don't worry, I simply thought I read somewhere on your blog you lived there.
dakhilik ma tenza3eh el-tabkha 3a hal satlaneh, mich 7erzaneh ya3ni, 3rifti weyn... :)

Anonymous said...

صحيح انك خوتا يا خوتا
ليس هذا عهدي بأبناء الجدي
يا ريت لبنان سألان عنك، عن ولادو متل ما انت سئلانة عنو
ما بدك حدا يعايدك؟؟ شو بقلك؟ نشالله ما ينعاد عليك؟؟
نشالله بينعاد عليك بس مش بنفس المود و لا بنفس الطريقة

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

chocolate cake,
chocolate cake,
eat so much my tummy ache

Anonymous said...

الله يحفظ لبنان من كل شر .. وان شاء الله مابيصير إلا الخير معكم .. بس انا بحب أوقولك انك محظوظ جدا لأنه عندك ها الصديقة اللي بعتتلك الشوكلاه

Khawwta said...

ma ktiir 3am bifham.. 3indi 2iyam bssatil fiyoun :) bass yalla machi

أكيد انشالله ما ينعاد لا عليي ولا عالبلد هالوضع البيقرّف
thx anyway

Ibn Bint Jbeil:
bil Assass nihna bifatrit 3id w 3am akoul chocolate bi shakil mich tabi3i.. barki bonssahli chi chwayy

انا أكيد محظوظة لأن عندي أصحاب بيفكروا دايماً فيي
thx and welcome to my blog

Anonymous said...

yeslamo :)
bass baynetna bfadlik khawwta 3a msatleh aw mastouleh...

sou2al zghir (w7echreh) :
laychik 7emleh hamm elkawn kellou?
chou inti wa7dik mas2ouleh?

Khawwta said...

hamleh hamm l konn!
L Konn 3indi = libnan
ربيت بعيلة بتحب لبنان
كرمال هيك ما قدرت إتغرّب، وكرمال هيك شو ما بعمل بيكون لبنان حاضر معي
ما بعرف إذا لاحظت بكل شي بكتبو بتشوف إنو "الوطن حاضر" وهيدا ما بقدر غيرو
متل لما بتنغرم عنجد بحدا لو شو ما بتعمل بيضل مأثر فيك وطاغي عكل كيانك
عكل حال احساسك بالإشيا، تعلقك، هوسك، جنونك حتى كلو نابع من شخصيتَك
لما عملتلنا المعلمة بالمدرسة
Passionnée طلعت
فعقد ما أنا مهووسة بهالبلد مارح اقدر ارتاح قبل ما يظبط
ويا ريت أنا مسؤولة، أكيد ما ك صار هيك بلبنان

Ana Min Beirut - أنا من بيروت said...

Happy belated birthday. I wosh you all the best and not to meet people like me or exchange angry emails with them ;-)

sorry ya ikhwen bass haydeh insider joke bayneh wou bayn khawwta....

Khawwta said...

thx AMB, echanging angry emails bifich l khili2 aw2at :)

Hilal CHOUMAN said...

yin3ad 3laykeh bi sorouf a7san :P
mine was on the 9th of january.. sab2ik bi yom :))

Khawwta said...

Thx hillz and Happy Birthday
Nchalla t3ayid bil watan next year

Anonymous said...

hello wa ahlan ya khawwta,

i dropped in by chance from far-away-germany and i want to say "happy birthday"(belatet) even though u don't want to hear it..... but at least u can read it... ;-)

may the year ahead return happyness and joy in your life, endless peace of mind and above all: everlasting peace for lubnan!!!

last year - for the same reason i didn't celebrate my b'day(in august).but we all need to return to "normal life" and also some special days like b'days are importend to be celebrated!!!

from all my heart greetings for u!

ma'assalama ya khawwta,

love heldi

Khawwta said...

Is ur name heldi?
it's so nice to hear that From someone that live so far..