Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Krys said...

Well they say "silence is golden"...

There are times, when silence is not "golden". It may be just plain "yellow" and in your case it's lack of inspiration or boredom in such instances!

There are other times when one can say more by being silent. Too many times we may be guilty of saying too much. The multiplicity of words is much in evidence!

KEA said...

I do that quiet often, nothing works better!!

Khawwta said...

Silence is killing me ya krys

The question is: will it work for me? we'll see

nobilis tobilis said...

I need noise treatment since I'm always silent (at least in the real world :) )

Khawwta said...

ba3tik chwayyyy?

Anonymous said...

bnesbi 2eli a7la treatment.
Bass mish 3am le2i my silent space!!

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...

your silence is a masterful stroke of wisdom in the midst of massive lebanese ja3daneh 3ala ba3dhon.

and loved your (loud) bayan in your last post: long live your TRUE independent thinking.

Khawwta said...

Even if you are in a crowded place, you can have your own space..

Ibn bint jbeil
thx for ur support.. glad u like it

Coco said...

This pictures speaks loudly about the power of silence; not only silence, but also in-depth inner reflection... away from all the lights and noise around, digging deep into one's own private silent space to pull out the strength needed to move forward.

KEA said...

NT yeah you speak very little! why is that? is the alcohol or the dope that causes your silence?

nobilis tobilis said...

what kind of sick reputation of me are u spreading over the blogosphere? People would think I'm a wacko.

yeah in fact you can reach your inner thoughts and feelings even in the most crowded places. I learned some useful techniques as well.

nobilis tobilis said...

PS: m*9
One more comment like that and you will find yourself amputated from at leats one of your m*9
You will be more like m*4 or even "n"s instead of "m"s :P

KEA said...


MarxistFromLebanon said...

Che Guevara once said: "Silence is another means of Resistance"

Krys said...

euh NT et M ca va?
vous vous sentez bien?

Delirious said...

7essetik mish taye2tini. Sorry if I'm been out of touch the last few days. Been going thru a rough phase. Hope everything's ok with you (k)

Khawwta said...

Coco Ana benet jabal silence bya3mol 3indi l 3ajayib.. khssoussi iza kinit 3am bimchi en meme temps

9*m sorry fakartoun 8 tol3o 9

nobilis tobilis chou osstak inta w 9*m? basss tihdidak :) you make me laugh..

ma 3am lahi2 2i2ralak.. easy easy :)

bil3akiss ana mich zabta ma3i

Akram said...

it's not electric chair or anything else but it will suite me this time
my first time here :)

MarxistFromLebanon said...

aslan I might retire blogging soon :)

Khawwta said...

welcome :) hope you liked my blogg

why? hay2ita mawjit retirement..
ma... fatra w bto2ta3.. ;)