Tuesday, October 30, 2007


If you were in prison for 1 to 10 years,
What is the first thing that you would do when you got out?

Bloggers are all tagged...

Delirious, RAT, Nado, Coco, Krys, Eve, Linalone, Leafless Eve, rampurple, Nour, doha, Zaynab, Narnija, nightS, Liliane

All Seeing Eye, MMMMMMMMM, nobilis tobilis, MarxistFromLebanon, Ana Min Beirut, Fouad, Jamal, hillz, Ibn Bint Jbeil, The Human Product, jooj, Bob, The Lebanese, Yasser_best, Muhammad Aladdin, poshlemon, Filasoof, Angry Anarchist, Simon

Madona, Heba, IH

Did I forget someone?


All Seeing Eye said...

1- mashawi, hommos, fattouch
2- bira w mezawet
3- izmiz

Layal K said...

First thing?
i would walk all night in the streets with no limits because most probably i would have been unable to do this all that time in prison (bedtime w osas) ba3den kel she behoun :)
i would blog that "I'm Out!!" kamen.. :)

poshlemon said...

take a cruise in my car by our beautiful sea and play "the last day" by evanescence.

Khawwta said...

ASE: :))))
Typicly lebanese

I would do my walk too "3a droub day3itna"

car cruise... Intresting

Anonymous said...

سلاماااات خوتة:

بدون ما فكر, و مباشرة طلع معي الجواب عسؤالك:
بزور قبر بيي!!
لأن الحبس قبر, و أكيد بعد ما أنحط فيه رح أعرف شو يعني أنو الواحد ينحط بقبر!!

All Seeing Eye said...

leish ya khawwta what were u expecting me to say :) ?

Ibn Bint Jbeil said...


i shouldn't have read everyone's reply before i thought about it, but i read anyway, so tragedy has befallen me again. such is my fate. damn! why am i being so dramatic? damn again!

so i like the walk/cruise idea, yeah let's cruise.. get away, and not just next to the sea, but over the sea.. as THE DOORS song goes:

let's swim to the moon
let's climb through the tide
penetrate the evening
that the city sleeps to hide
let's swim out tonight
it's our turn to try
park beside the ocean
on our moonlight drive

but first i would have to go my mother and kiss her feet and utlub minna el-rida.

poshlemon said...

Ibn Bint Jbeil,

hehe yalla hop on, you're in the front seat next to the driver, me ;) Khawwta ente kameina!

Yes, I think before I take my cruise I would definitely go to habibet albeh mama w la 3and habibe bayeh and just give them the biggest hug in the world.

All Seeing Eye said...

hello friends, dont forget that our parents used to visit us in prison, so we're not supposed to miss them that much :)

Khawwta said...

I was expecting the same answer... assassan inta chta2et lal akil el libnani :)
bassss bitkhayal bel habisss ma rah yo2ta3o 3annak el akil el libnani... w immmak rah tihchik aklat taybi... byeb2a na2ssak 3 ihtimal ;)

تأملات تافهة
Allah yirham bayik..
Glad to see u again

this is so romantic :)

chou helo bou3oud hali bi kazdoura ya3ni

All Seeing Eye said...

3 ihtimal exists in prison but with the wrong people :S

Khawwta said...

behave ya ASE ok, 23od 3a2il

MarxistFromLebanon said...

Continue where the capitalists interrupted me

1) Get drunk
2) Continue to be active as a revolutionary
3) Reconstruct History as it happened


Hasta La Victoria Siempre

All Seeing Eye said...

marxists'jails are the worst i believe :)

poshlemon said...


eh eh w3edeh 7alik ;)

btw, what would you do or are you leaving yourself till last?

Delirious said...

I'd go visit the little church by the sea where my father is buried, then I'd go to the mountains (preferably Laqlouq) and breathe as much fresh air as I can take in.

THEN come the mashawi, hommos, fattoush and izmiz :D

Anonymous said...

It depends for what reason I was in prison...and what kind of prison we are talking about...I will assume that I was in prison for something I believe in. First, I will go to see the ones that stood besides me all the time and never left me, they could be my familly or my true friends or just people I didn't knew till the time I was arrested. Second, I will pay my respects to people who passed away during my abscence and meant a lot to me. Then, I will go to the mountains, to a place I can be alone far from noise and people, but close to the earth and to the sky. I will stay there as much time as I need to think about what happened, what may come next, and how I should continue living again in peace with myself and others.

All Seeing Eye said...

great Delirious, as soon as u finish the first two steps, call me for the remaining three :)

Khawwta said...

You won't be able to do anything.. I think get drunk is the best thing that you can do ;) VODKA would be an excellent choice :P

1) el michwar yalli ba3mlou bi day3itna kil yom machi.. bikoun awal chaghli ba3mila basss idhar
2) botla3 3a mar charbel
3) I'll kill the judge :)

ma ba3rifff iza ma32oul a3moul chi tani hassab lachou aw lamine chta2et aktar chi

I think all of us will go up to the mountain ..barki mnitla2a killna hounik :)

Del and ASE
chou ossit hal izmiz ma3koun ;)

KEA said...

I wouldn't last for one year!

Anonymous said...

Khawwta...typically lebanese...First, praying and then going out killing someone:) So, hopefully la7 neltaka bel jabal wa ella bel 7abess...

All Seeing Eye said...

good one IH jebta joura lal khawwta :)

Khawwta said...

ma fhimit chou bta3moul

leich fikrak issmi khawwwta..hayda isssim 3a moussama

inta ma rah ti23oud 3a2el gheir ma takila atlé

Delirious said...

Ya dilli ballashit Khawwta bil tehdeedet... zee7o min l darb! :D

Anonymous said...

Befham mennak enno jayi dawri, ba3ed el adi!

KEA said...

Go check on Amy i suppose...

All Seeing Eye said...

dont worry u're not alone on her list :)

Khawwta said...

ASE, IH and Del:
you have no idea about my list.. I might need Assistants

bassssss?? No drink, no food, no nothing !!!!

All Seeing Eye said...

at this scale we dont call them assistants, we call them militia :)

KEA said...

yup, anno that would be the very first thing hayda if i did not commit suicide while i am in prison

Krys said...

Book a one way ticket to the Maldives :)))

Khawwta said...

nihna 3inna bel jabal minsssami "Zilim".. khallli el militia la arbaba

Akid ma rah tintihir nihna minzourak w mnakhidlak zaatar w halawé

one way ticket, or 2 tickets one way ;)

Anonymous said...

بروح عند كبابجي من اجل سانويش كفتا وصحن تبولة وبعدين بفتش على حضن دافي وسرير مريح وبعدين بقطع بطاقة سفر الى اي مكان من بلاد الله الواسعة
انا كمان روحة بلا رجعة

Unknown said...

a walk, a car cruise, visiting churches & graves???????????

ahhh, is it just me, or everyone is hiding their immediate reaction to this question?




Unless i had conjugal visits in my prison, the first thing i would do is look for my MAN!
Kababji comes after that :)
(or maybe during) lol

All Seeing Eye said...

ya3ish el izmiz :D , mish heik ya khawwta???

Anonymous said...

bekhod b tari min li 7abassni, w berja3 bfout 3al 7abes mara tenye, ma hek hek bkon t3awadet 3a jaw jouwa hahahah.


w hala2 3anjad.
brou7 3a netcaffe w bshouf min b3eteli emails :P. heheheh

khalas hala2 3an jad el jad.
btala3 b sama w bed7ak 3a sot 3aleeeeeeh. same3 el denya sawte. khay
khalaytni 7es eni b 7abes hala2 :@

mohem kifik shu akhbarek, shat2ttelek.

Coco said...

Sorry for the late reply. My answer is easy, because I know exactly what I'm doing in three and a half months from now when I get out of my prison of exile:
After getting out of the airport and hugging and kissing my Karam and hopefully Khalo George will be there too; I will be visiting "Our Lady of Lebanon" shrine in Harissa to kneel on the land I missed so much and thank Our Lady and God for my life and for getting me safely back Home.

قبل الطوفان said...

سأبحث عن بوصلةٍ تدلني إلى اتجاه يبعدني لأقصى مسافة عن تلك التجربة القاسية

ربما أغمس نفسي في حوض استحمام دافيء، أتخلص فيه من ندوب وأحزان تلك الأيام الفظة.. أو أبحث في دفاتري القديمة عن رقم هاتف صديقٍ حقيقي، أحتاج لأن أطرد معه أشباح الماضي بالبحث عن نقطة بداية ما

والأررجح أن أقطع تذكرة سفر باتجاه واحد إلى بلادٍ بعيدة بعيدة.. ربما أجد فيها نفسي الغائبة

Khawwta said...

kababji :) Typically Lebanese.
nchalla tkoun el safra el jayyi 3a libnan w biwadi3 ahla

Leafless Eve:
inti w ASE w Del sortou 3indi hizib el izmiz

3ajabitni fikrit el sarikh
waynik ya binit? michta2in la kitabatik.. r u ok?

nchalla btotla3i ariban min hal habess w bitfouti 3al habess el dahabi bi libnan:)
Mabrouk la 2ilik w la karam marra tani

yasser best:
أبحث في دفاتري القديمة عن رقم هاتف صديقٍ حقيقي
يمكن أنا كمان بعمل هيك
ويمكن بتّصل بطبيب نفسي ينسيني مأساة السجن

All Seeing Eye said...

hey khawwta, Rat as well is in our party: 7odn defi=izmiz.

Nado: hi, kifik, wein ghaybitk?

Anonymous said...

khawwta, ana mniha l7mdellah, bas busy ad ma badek, dares w shghel.
inshala ariban berja3 ektob. w bfajer mawehbi :P

all seeing eye, mniha, enta kif. miss me? :P. shghelak, ahlak kilo ok?

Khawwta said...

looking forward to read more about u

Liliane said...

I honestly cannot imagine what I would do... I would probably go to Jbeil and watch the sunset, watch the people.., gather all the people I know and love..

Khawwta said...

Jbeil ... Good Memories there