Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I received the below e-mails from a "FRIEND"
Hi....Im so BAD.
Days are running crazy. The job routine is taking all of my attention and for the sudden i realise that im loosing good Friends in Lebanon. I have to make more effort to keep in tch since i really love my people, and you are one of them of course.
Tell me about you. The most I hope that you are not like all the others 'MIT3ASSBI' to your political opinion. All the people I talk to are so tensioned and nervous and they think and see in one eye, one direction, and listen to one F U C K I N G leader. Please try to be different.
What we need again is to love and to understand each other. My family and I have lived and suffered the civil war and once is more than enough. Lebanon is going back there, to that point where heroes are going to blow their angry against wrong victims. Please stay different.
Take care.
Yours ....
Kifik ya khawta i miss you.
Yes I watched the last elections and i feel Lebanon is moving backward, unfortunately. I started hating flags and colors and parades. I can not stand seeing more SHOHADA ....
I've always waited for change in my country, but it seems that some times it is better not to change in such way. I love Lebanon for no specific reason, its like I have it in my blood, but country means good people and unforgettable moments, my country lives in my heart as a song that never gets old.
I feel that time means nothing, I still have your smile in my heart.


Delirious said...

Ya latif!
C'est qui?

All Seeing Eye said...

Ya latif :)

Khawwta said...

tahet el hawa ya del tahtel hawa

3aziz 3a albi jidan hal comment.. kan fi ykoun azka chway ;)
welcome back

All Seeing Eye said...

what do u want me to say?
In this period i don't agree with these "peace and love" messages coming from people living abroad. we should stop denying that there's a major problem in Lebanon and solving it is not that simple "7ibbou ba3dkon". i'm sorry to tell u that i can not keep myself from hating.

Khawwta said...

chifit kifff
hayda ASE yalli ba3irfo.. :)
kan baddi it2akad inno ba3dak zat el chi ma tghayarit 3a kitrit el safrat.. khifit tdayi3 hawitak 3al tari2 ;)

All Seeing Eye said...

ya reytni dayya3ta, mlazza2a bi Altico :S

Khawwta said...

kil 3omri 2oul l Altico 2ilo manafi3